
I vantaggi di una fiera del turismo virtuale

Il virtuale fa sul serio. Il virtuale, nelle nostre vite, diventa sempre più reale. E quello che fino a poco tempo fa sembrava impossibile nell’industria turistica sta diventando una realtà. Una fiera del turismo virtuale oggi è uno degli strumenti che riservano i maggiori

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Adani Group: from coal giant to renewable energy pioneer

In Europe, the name of Adani Group is relatively unknown, except to those who have an interest in energy or large international investments. In Asia and Oceania, however, this name has been famous since the 1990s. The Adani Group is an Indian multinational operating throughout

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The Genoa San Giorgio Bridge: sustainability and the future of Italy

August 14, 2018 will remain forever a fateful date in Italian history. On that day, in Geona, the Morandi bridge - specifically the part of the viaduct stretching over the Polcevera stream connecting the Genoese districts of Sampierdarena and Cornigliano - collapsed. 43 people

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Ellen, the first electric ferry in the world

Greta Thunberg sailed across the Atlantic, reminding the world that travelling by sea is more sustainable than travelling by air. But it has to be said that not all maritime transport is sustainable, and tourism very often is not, regardless of transport. Many people have long

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The National Innovation Fund: what it is and how it works

Innovation is crucial to the survival of any industry, especially at this moment in history. The crisis we are facing requires particularly innovative use of resources and technologies to enable us to safeguard our economy while preserving public health. In the context of this

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The 15-minute city: this is what future metropolises will look like

Welcome to the 15-minute city. This new concept could be the key to rebuilding our post-pandemic world by transforming cities into spaces that humans can comfortably inhabit and that evolve and function at a slower, more reasonable pace. The underlying idea is that, in this

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Banca Mediolanum lancia Flowe, il primo conto online sostenibile

Banca Mediolanum è uno degli operatori storici del panorama bancario italiano e di recente ha deciso di compiere una scelta insolita nel settore dei servizi finanziari, dando la priorità a un prodotto eco-friendly. Mediolanum ha infatti lanciato Flowe, il primo conto online

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Enit and Ferrero teamed up to promote Italy’s image

Who is responsible for promoting national tourism? Industry professionals, public institutions? And why not brands? This question has been implicitly answered by Ferrero, with a campaign that brings the well-known Italian confectionery brand closer to territorial marketing,

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How to make corporate travel sustainable

Sustainability is a hot topic in the tourism industry. Traveling is one of the least sustainable human activities, consuming an enormous amount of resources, and producing significant greenhouse gas emissions. And this is not just about tourism: all branches of the industry are

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Solar power incentives in Italy: what you need to know

The switchover from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources is one of the great challenges of our time. Much has already been done in Italy to encourage the use of alternative energy sources. Moreover, our country enjoys some objective advantages, in terms of climate and

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Coronavirus lockdowns gave our cities cleaner air

Lockdowns have started again all over Europe and we can’t help but remember how traumatic our first experience with them was. While there are no silver linings in a pandemic, some interesting data emerged from several European studies during the first wave of the Coronavirus

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How to network at a virtual sustainability fair

Networking at a trade show is not easy. And if you switch to a completely new platform that has never been tried before, things can get even more complicated. GECO - the first virtual trade show for sustainability - has sparked a lot of curiosity and an excellent response from

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What is the difference between a tourist and a traveller?

Surely you have heard of the difference between tourists and travellers. Those who identify themselves with the second category usually do not want to be confused or have anything to do with the first. On the other hand, those who appreciate the advantages of being a tourist,

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Slow tourism: it’s all about the experience

Have you ever heard of Slow Tourism? A new travel philosophy has emerged in the tourism industry as a response to the globalization, in the wake of the same movement that gave us “slow food". As you can easily imagine, this way of exploring the world requires a calm, slowne

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Virtual reality and augmented reality will change the way we travel

Never before has the tourism industry invested so much in innovation and technology to counter a crisis. This situation has accelerated the development and implementation of solutions that would otherwise have required years of experimentation. In particular, the use of virtual

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Perché partecipare a una fiera online? GECO vi fa viaggiare, dal divano di casa

Perché partecipare a una fiera online? Se lo chiedono in molti, in tutti gli ambiti. Chi è abituato a partecipare alle fiere di settore, d’altra parte, sa già cosa aspettarsi: stand da visitare, brochure da raccogliere, molti nuovi incontri, contatti professionali

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Alimenti a chilometro zero: così si rilanciano le eccellenze italiane del turismo

Hotel, ristoranti, agriturismi e strutture di ogni genere, sempre più spesso offrono con orgoglio gastronomia a chilometro zero. Questa espressione si sente ormai con tanta frequenza da dimenticarne il significato e la rilevanza. Che importanza ha acquistare o servire alimenti

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Viaggi incentive e team building: le nuove scelte sostenibili

In questo periodo si parla molto di viaggi incentive, per due motivi. Da un lato si cercano strategie e strumenti per rilanciare questo settore dell’industria, duramente colpito dalla contrazione degli investimenti da parte delle aziende. Dall’altro si parla di

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Energie rinnovabili e ricerca: nasce l'Italian Battery Alliance

Abbiamo parlato diverse volte di energie sostenibili e della necessità di ridurre progressivamente l’impiego di combustibili fossili a favore di risorse rinnovabili. Nel mondo sono centinaia i progetti che si muovono in questa direzione, ma come si presenta la situazione in

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Come cambia il trasporto urbano: bici, monopattini e auto elettriche

Il trasporto urbano sta cambiando rapidamente, di pari passo con la sensibilità ambientale, ma anche con una serie di considerazioni economiche. E anche se alcuni guardano alla recente invasione di monopattini con una certa perplessità, l’adozione di alternative sostenibili

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