
Austrian startup prints salmon in 3D. Will this fish substitute rock the market?

When we talk about Ecofood - one of the topics addressed by GECO EXPO - we often discuss meat substitutes, since processed meat products have the highest environmental impact among all kinds of foods. But even fish, commonly thought to be healthier for humans, is rapidly

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Shared mobility increasingly popular in Italy, research shows

Shared mobility has become a particularly hot topic during these two years of pandemic chaos. On the one hand, it is essential to promote the sharing of vehicles, especially electric ones, in order to optimise energy consumption linked to mobility and reduce emissions. On the

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12 technologies for the decarbonisation of our cities

Reducing emissions is a fundamental part of the fight against climate change, but it is also an extremely complex endeavour that cannot be tackled without breaking it down into several sections. One of the aspects that concerns us most closely, for instance, is the

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What can we expect after the COP26 Conference?

After the COP26 conference in Glasgow, many are talking of missed opportunities and the generalised consensus is that opportunities were missed to take a decisive stand on climate action. Hardly anyone has hailed the outcome of the conference as a success: while the most

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COP26, the proposals of the Conference on Climate Change

Cop26 – the climate conference that took place in Glasgow – was one of the most important events in recent years, with implications that could be decisive in the fight against climate change. It was an opportunity to take stock of the progress made since the Paris Agreement, but

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What does a Chief Heat Officer do?

When we think of extreme weather events and their dramatic consequences, we probably think of floods, hurricanes and tsunamis. Yet all these phenomena cause fewer deaths each year than another much more insidious and dangerous meteorological killer: heat. Studies by the US

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Le auto elettriche sono sostenibili?

Entro il 2035, in Europa, sarà possibile vendere solo auto elettriche o ibride. Questo rappresenta, per l'industria della mobilità, un punto di svolta senza precedenti nell'ultimo secolo e da molti questo aspetto del Green New Deal è stato salutato come estremamente positivo.

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L'Europa e lo sfruttamento del legno

Perché Greta Thunberg accusa i leader politici di chiacchierare sul clima senza agire? Perché la sostenibilità, al giorno d'oggi funziona molto bene come argomento politico, specialmente se, nella pratica, si trova il modo di non pagarne il prezzo. Un esempio pratico è

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Canadian Well: What It Is and How It Works

Air conditioning and home heating are responsible for a considerable share of our CO2 emissions. In densely populated areas, emissions can also make a significant difference to outdoor temperatures - combined with those from transport and other human activities. As Europe seeks

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How Digital Nomads Are Changing the Travel Industry

One of the trends that have characterised these past two years of pandemic is the evolution of what used to be called "digital nomadism" from a niche trend to a virtual necessity. Not because there have been great opportunities for 'nomadism', at a time when travel has

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Sustainable mobility is one of the cornerstones of the fight against climate change. Transport, whether on a local, national, or international level, is responsible for a large proportion of the CO2 emissions that cause global warming and, as stated in the European Green New

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Environmental and animal protection is included in the Constitution

What is our role in the natural ecosystems? Are humans superior to other animals? These are some of the questions that lead to another, perhaps more uncomfortable question: is the way we treat animals fair? The Italian Senate has made a historic decision, inserting the

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The new life of end-of-life tires

Many people think that electric cars are the ultimate cure-all for pollution. Recently, however, environmental organisations in Germany have proposed banning almost all motor vehicles from Berlin, including electric cars, whose use they believe should be restricted. Why? Because

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L'albergo diffuso: un nuovo format di accoglienza sostenibile

Avete mai soggiornato in un albergo diffuso? Questo particolare format di accoglienza è venuto alla ribalta nell’ultimo anno, con l’accresciuto interesse per il turismo sostenibile e con le misure di sicurezza dovute alla pandemia, ma in realtà esiste già da quasi mezzo

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Circular economy: benefits for your business

Circular economy is one of the most widely debated topics of our time. It is now evident and has been confirmed by numerous studies, carried out in various fields of scientific research, that this economic model is good for the planet, because it limits the exploitation of

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Palm oil: stop plantations and imports in Sri Lanka

At one time or another, we have all heard about palm oil and learned to think of it with negative overtones, although few people actually know why. And yet it is a fact that brands that slam a 'palm oil free’ label on their product do so to incorporate values such as health

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Mobility Manager: a new green job.

What is a mobility manager? Not many people are familiar with this figure, yet it has been recognised in Italy since 1998 and, as of May 2021, it is mandatory for companies with more than 100 employees and for municipalities with more than 50,000 inhabitants to employ one. This

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Interview with climatologist Luca Mercalli

Luca Mercalli (Turin, 1966), climatologist, master in mountain sciences at the Université de Savoie-Mont-Blanc, director of the Nimbus magazine, presides the Società Meteorologica Italiana, a national association founded in 1865. He deals with research on climates and alpine

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Earth Day 2021- 3 appuntamenti per preservare la vita sulla Terra

Oggi, giovedì 22 Aprile, ricorre la 51a Giornata Mondiale della Terra: un evento con una grande tradizione, ma che quest’anno promette di essere più sentito che mai, soprattutto nel nostro Paese. La fondazione che la organizza coinvolge oltre 75.000 partner in 192 Paesi e

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