Intervista a Elena Milazzo, fondatrice di Sottosopra - l'agenzia di comunicazione bike friendly

Sottosopra is an ethically-minded communications agency committed to promoting sustainability. They are a rare example of consistency within the Italian media industry, as they put into practice in their everyday working life what they promote in the campaigns they create. Sottosopra claims to be a "bike friendly" communication agency. We talked about it with founder and creative director Elena Milazzo.

How did the idea of a bike-friendly communications agency come about?

It came about mainly for two reasons. The first is that we all cycle or walk to work, which has always been part of our routine and is primarily a choice based on our own personal preferences. The commute is quicker and we combine it with our daily workout. Without realising it, we all get fitter and are more focused at work. In addition, we reward those who bike and walk to work ( which means everyone!).

The second reason is an ethical choice that embodies our values. The bicycle is the most beautiful and genuine symbol of a people-oriented lifestyle. And we have made it the focus of a new marketing model, which we have dubbed 'bike marketing'.

How does your sustainability mission influence or tie in with your creative work?

Being a charitable company, it was natural for our passion to coincide with the agency's mission, which is to help change things in a creative, enjoyable, and inspiring way.

The point is that all of us - people, companies, and institutions - need to change our vision. We can no longer afford to do business in the same way everyone did for the past 50 years.

But how can we make people acknowledge the positive opportunities of this transition? We do that by using what we know best: bold creative thinking, 20 years' worth of business knowledge and close cooperation with those who have been involved in circular economy for at least two decades.

We always put ourselves on the side of the companies and accompany them step by step (literally!) towards discovering the leadership, reputation and even financial benefits of every achievement.

How do you think CSR projects should be communicated?

It is time for companies to take a strategic stance on social issues. Some already do, and they do it well. Others are less authentic or they are inconsistent, but consumers are becoming increasingly aware of whether their actions are just window dressing.

From our point of view, companies don't have to "perform" ethics, they have to take action. They must not appear, they must be. With a well-structured plan of action, consistent with the brand's personality and, above all, capable of actively involving as many people as possible, starting with employees.


What projects are you most passionate about as a professional?

Those that can make a real difference to the quality of life in our cities, starting with reducing car traffic.

In this area, our most powerful and ambitious projects are those involving cooperation between the public and private sectors. The timescales and procedures of the two are far apart, but the city can be transformed much more quickly if we let everyone do what they do best. Let's leave the administrative/operational tasks to the municipalities and activate the brands in the two areas where they are best prepared: sponsoring infrastructure for the public good and creating engaging communication strategies.

Why did you choose to support GECO Expo?

Because we tried it out last year and actions speak louder than words. It's an excellent place to meet and discuss, with a genuine purpose, promoting shared values. And the avatars are amazing!

Published on 20-02-2022

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